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Oculus VR headsets provide immersive virtual reality experiences that allow you to interact with digital content. You can play games, watch movies and television, participate in interactive training, and more. The Oculus VR headset also allows you to share your experience with others by streaming it to a TV or phone. Additionally, the Oculus VR headset is easy to configure and use without the need for a computer. This device is great for travel and untethered entertainment.

The Oculus Quest was a game changer in the VR industry when it was released in 2019. It was the first standalone headset, meaning that it didn’t require being tethered to a PC like previous models. This allowed for a more comfortable and affordable VR experience than ever before.

When you put on the Oculus Quest, you are whisked away to a virtual space where you’ll see a universal menu similar to what you’d expect on a smartphone. This menu will let you download new games and apps, invite friends to join you in virtual spaces, and stream your gameplay to a Chromecast for people in the room to view. A built-in Snapdragon mobile chip runs the operating system and renders immersive worlds with no lag. You’ll get up to three hours of play before needing a charge. The headset includes a cable and power supply for charging. You’ll also need a pair of AA batteries for each of the Touch controllers, which slide into their compartments on the side of the headset.

There weren’t a ton of games available for the Oculus Quest when it launched, but the growing fanbase has led to more and more titles being developed for the device. You’ll find ports of popular PC games such as Beat Saber and Arizona Sunshine, plus new games that are exclusive to the Oculus Quest. Apps like Bigscreen let you hang out with friends in a virtual living room, while Venues lets you attend concerts and sports events that are streamed straight to the headset.

The Oculus Quest 2 is the latest model of this headset, and it brings some major improvements to the device. Its LCD panel now has a higher resolution, and it comes with 128 GB or 256 GB of storage. It also has a refresh rate that’s doubled to 60 frames per second, and the headset has better tracking thanks to its integrated sensors.

Another important improvement is the inclusion of hand tracking for the Oculus Quest 2. This feature was initially introduced on the Oculus Go and wasn’t perfect, but it’s now much more accurate. You can use the Touch controllers to navigate the UI and control games that support it, but you can also ditch the controllers altogether and move around with your feet and hands in the virtual space. This is a major upgrade from the original Oculus Quest, which didn’t offer hand tracking at all. This makes the Oculus Quest 2 a solid choice for a high-end, standalone VR headset.